Welcome to SICK N ACCIDENT, a company that enables members of your group to meet their financial needs when sickness, accident or death occurs. 


Using the combined numbers of your group we enable you as a group to take control of the assistance of your members in their time of need.


If Death Cover is taken out, we act on behalf of your group using the strength of your numbers to negotiate highly competitive rates.


This service ensures the best possible result for your group and its members.


We provide Australian group cover services across New South Wales, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory and Tasmania.



We Provide The Tools


If you are part of a group that has the ability to focus on a common goal, we will provide you with the tools to come together in a common Pool that will assist each of the members of the group in their time of need by giving each member group protection.


We will enable you as a group to look out for your fellow members, providing a consistent outcome in every case.


We will enable you as a group to control your funds, allocate your resources according to your needs and provide a level of assistance that is transparent and consistent in its delivery.


We will enable you to do this in a cost effective way with total control over the way your money is utilised.


Everything that you put into your Pool is and always will remain in the hands of your members, solely for the benefit of members in need in your group. 


How would you cope?...... A thought for your group members


Dont Lose Your home


In just under half of mortgagee sales of family homes, sickness and or accident is cited as the reason behind the action. Most people have just about a month's worth of personal savings that could be used to carry them through.


Minor sickness is not the issue, ongoing major problems will make sure you have more going out than coming in.


A bone breakage is going to be 10 weeks off. How much sick leave do you have?


A major illness may be months and months, how much sick, annual and L.S.L do you have?


Would't you like to have additional support regardless of your level of entitlements. This scheme pays regardless of, and independent of, any other accruals for any accident/illness other than specific exclusions as listed in your Constitution. 


Exactly how much debt do you carry?


Is your job high risk?


Mortgage ?

Car Loan ?

Credit Cards ?

Personal Loans ?


Don't be surprised if it comes to several hundred thousand!!!

And just to live........food, utilities, school and a whole lot more.

How would your family cope..........that's why you need adequate protection.